
Aminea is the female declination of wine… Imma and Antonia Tortora
Winemakers, descendants of four generations of winemakers.

In 1890, the great-grandfather Alfonso Tortora embarked the Tortora family on the winemaking tradition. From a small vineyard he produced wine for the customers of his tavern. At the outbreak of the First World War, he participated as a knight in the battle of Vittorio Veneto, and left his vineyards to his grandfather Giuseppe.


Grandfather Giuseppe together with his wife Antonia and his children, decide to slowly grow this great passion handed down from father to son.

And now


Antonia at the age of 18, after obtaining her diploma, decides to take care of the family business, while Imma decides to undertake studies in Viticulture and Oenology at the Federico II in Naples. At the end of her studies, Imma decides to run the family business together with her sister Antonia, to continue the project started by her father.

When we say that Aminea is the feminine declination of every aspect of wine, we mean that our story is a story of love, of family, intrinsically linked to the Soil, which in Irpinia still shows all its strength. A territory you have to listen to, only as women know how.

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